A Fair to Remember


It’s 70 years for DuPage County Fairground’s signature celebration

By Maureen Callahan

For more than a century and a half, the DuPage County Fair has drawn tens of thousands of Illinois residents for old-fashioned family fun. July 25-28th marks the 70th anniversary of the event being hosted at the DuPage County Fairgrounds in Wheaton. The fair began as a way to celebrate and showcase all things agricultural. The best blueberry pie, largest squash, and most intricate quilt created a spirit of friendly competition among fairgoers.

Over the years, carnival rides, headlining bands, and vendors of all sorts have gradually found places at this huge event. Three-legged races have given way to sports tournaments. But come what may, the theme remains. “We’re still an agricultural fair, and we work hard to keep agriculture as our theme,” said Jim McGuire, CEO and Manager of DuPage County Fairgrounds.

It’s obvious. While DuPage County is no longer an agricultural community, McGuire and his staff are determined to keep all things farming at the forefront. At fair time, the barns are full, offering attendants a chance to walk among the animals. Farm Now, from Bensenville, brings in hogs and cattle. Kids are welcome to try their hand at milking a cow.
Dozens of area 4H Clubs will show their carefully nurtured sheep, goats, and rabbits. From an embryology display where spectators can see chickens hatch to a sheepherding demonstration, it’s a fun way to learn about animals.

“We’ve become too large agriculturally,” said McGuire, “so the opportunity for kids to be able to see animals up close is a great thing. Teaching people about farming and understanding the connection of where food actually comes from is one of our goals.” Hands-on learning opportunities, like grinding and shelling corn, bring agricultural concepts to life. Farm equipment and tractors, from antique to contemporary, will be displayed.

“We’re still an agricultural fair, and we work hard to keep agriculture as our theme.”

– Jim McGuire, CEO and Manager, DuPage County Fairgrounds

Garden Works, an organization dedicated to teaching others how to grow their own food, offers tours of community gardens on the grounds, which started during COVID. Visitors can learn about raised-bed gardening on a grass field repurposed with fruit trees and berry patches. The garden is cared for by a group of dedicated volunteers who earn a share of the produce and berries harvested annually. Honey harvesting, a recent endeavor, will also be demonstrated by McGuire, the chief beekeeper.

The atmosphere of the DuPage County Fair pays great respect to the past. Over the years, however, modern aspects have found their own ways of becoming part of the tradition. Both kiddie and full-sized carnival rides are always a big draw. A variety of local bands entertain the crowd. Billy Prine will be headlining this year, celebrating the music of John Prine. Santana cover band, Fuse, will also make an appearance.

Hispanic Culture will be explored on Saturday, July 27, with Mariachi bands and folk dancers. Be sure to make time for the variety/talent show on Sunday to see local competitors, from acrobats to dancers to magicians, vie for an opportunity to compete at the state fair in Springfield.

Come hungry, as there are over a dozen vendors with a huge variety of food. Lobster rolls to pork chops and just about anything in between can be washed down with a piña colada served in a pineapple. “We have many repeat vendors from years past who know our crowd,” said McGuire.

A spirit of competition has always been present at a county fair. If you think you have the best chocolate cake, most beautiful flowers, most intricate cross-stitch, or an interesting photograph, enter it in the respective category. Experts from each discipline critique and award the best of each category.

Each year, the staff works to incorporate local fads. “Whatever is of current interest, we try to work into the fair,” said 40-year DuPage County Fairgrounds Assistant Manager Norma Cabral. Last year, a pickleball tournament dominated a large section of the grounds. This year, volleyball is the featured sport. An evening drone show telling the history of agriculture in DuPage County will take the place of the usual fireworks display to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the fair being held on these grounds.

“Come on out and celebrate DuPage County in a clean, comfortable, family-friendly place. We’re the one event that truly celebrates this county,” McGuire invited.

For more information about the fair, a schedule of events, and admissions, visit DuPageCountyFair.org ■




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