All That Jazz

Jazz Pic for Hinsdale Mag

Hinsdale students perform winter concert

By Atticus Fair

On February 16th, the Hinsdale Central High School jazz bands rocked their annual winter concert. With directors Grace Adduci and Matt Kurinsky, all seven bands pulled off an amazing night. Hinsdale Central offers four teacher-directed jazz groups of varying experience levels:

Jazz Lab, Jazz Band, Jazz Ensemble, and D Major & the Minors. In addition, there are three student-led combos that meet after school. In total, over 50 students participate in the Hinsdale Central jazz program. Occasionally, professional jazz musicians, Todd Howel and Nate Lepine, drop in to share tips on technique, improvisation, different forms of jazz, and improving lyrical expression.

Visit to hear a recording of the concert and to find information regarding upcoming performances.

*Photos by Atticus Fair



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