Barb Thayer


Candor Health Education

– Tribute to Moms –

By Larry Atseff

Balancing a family and a career isn’t easy. I had a 13-year career in retail but made the difficult decision to stay home with my children after my third child was born. I loved being home with my children and getting involved in my community. I volunteered at my church, my children’s school, and other local organizations. When my kids were in school full time, I created a small business as a Professional Organizer. This allowed me the flexibility my family needed. One thing led to another and I took a consulting role with Robert Crown Center for Health Education (RCC). I was offered a permanent part-time position as a Special Event Coordinator at RCC. While this was never my career goal, the opportunity allowed me to do something I enjoyed, while working close to home with a wonderful organization in my own community.

In 2013 a full-time position as Director of Operations was offered to me. The timing was just right. My kids were old enough to help around the house and be home without me for short periods. In 2017, I became Executive Director of RCC and in August of 2020 we re branded to Candor Health Education. I’m passionate about the mission of our organization and have an incredible team of co-workers. This job is a perfect fit for me! I’m happy to say that I have three very well-adjusted successful kids and look forward to the days of balancing my career at Candor and being a Grandmother!!



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