Brookfield Zoo – Dinosaurs everywhere!


By Hinsdale Magazine Staff

The zoo’s popular Dinosaurs Everywhere! Exhibit returns for a limited time through September 6, 2021. A few surprises will be featured on some of the 40 animatronic dinosaurs to make them even more lifelike. Located throughout the 216-acre park, zoogoers will be able to see their favorite dinosaurs, including the Argentinosaurus that measures 110 feet in length and stands three-stories tall on the zoo’s West Mall. Additionally, this year, there are 12 miniature brontosauruses named Benita along the dinosaur trail. Let the zoo know if you find one or all of them by sharing photos on social media—tag the zoo at #BrookfieldZoo. Guests can download the zoo’s map at to see where all the animatronic dinos are located. The exhibit was created by Don Lessum, advisor to the movie “Jurassic Park” and is on loan from Dino Don, Inc. and The Wildlife Conservation Society. Dinos Everywhere! is free with zoo admission.



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