Community Scene: Off to the Races

Natalie Ryan (Event Co-Chair), Lauran Petty (NBC Anchor & Event MC), Beth Lyons (Event Co-Chair)
Natalie Ryan (Event Co-Chair), Lauran Petty (NBC Anchor & Event MC), Beth Lyons (Event Co-Chair)

Brightpoint’s Derby Day party a success

The Hinsdale Chapter of Brightpoint (formerly known as Children’s Home and Aid) raised more than $100,000 at its annual Derby Day party on Saturday, May 6 at Butterfield Country Club.

“We are so thankful once again for such an amazing turnout to our signature fundraiser,” said Beth Lyons, Co-Chair for the Hinsdale Chapter.

“Our generous donors make sure an impact on the thousands of families we serve,” she continued. Visit for more information. ■

From left to right: Mira Boneva-Coleman, Michelle Shang, Katie Hwan, Elaine Gilman, Stacey Campbell

Emily Campbell, Serene Gaynor, Maria Ziemer

Micaela Saviano, John Whitehead, Teresa Whitehead, Claudine Schramko

Mona Idrees, Michelle Shang

Tish Newcomer, Shari Cornies, Danielle Tuck



Portraits of the Past: Leslie Goddard brings history to life

Timothy Christian’s Abby Vander Wal and Immaculate Conception’s Ava Falduto hug after winning a world championship in volleyball.

On Top of the World: Elmhurst volleyball stars win world title

The Ladies of.2

The ladies of Café La Fortuna tell their story

Rev. Dr. Dan Meyer - lead pastor at Christ Church

Young Life: Raising money for faith-filled youth programs

Karen Bushy, Dr. Rita Yadava, Lara Suleiman and Susan Kelly Costello, panelists for the Women’s Round Table

Breaking into the Boys’ Club: Oak Brook Historical Society Hosts Women’s Roundtable

St. John’s campus, featuring Neo-Gothic style buildings, is just 30 minutes west of Milwaukee and two hours from Chicago.

St. John’s Northwestern Academies: An enriching educational experience

St. John’s campus, featuring Neo-Gothic style buildings, is just 30 minutes west of Milwaukee and two hours from Chicago.

St. John’s Northwestern Academies: An enriching educational experience

On December 1st, 1958, Our Lady of the Angels School on Chicago's near west side- burned down.

Out of the ashes: Six and a half decades later, Chicagoans still commemorate Our Lady of the Angels school fire

On December 1st, 1958, Our Lady of the Angels School on Chicago's near west side- burned down.

Out of the ashes: Six and a half decades later, Chicagoans still commemorate Our Lady of the Angels school fire


A Fresh Perspective: New Oak Brook Trustee is first woman on Village Board in ten years

Timothy Christian’s Abby Vander Wal and Immaculate Conception’s Ava Falduto hug after winning a world championship in volleyball.

On Top of the World: Elmhurst volleyball stars win world title

ASL classes are offered as a foreign language option at Hinsdale South.

Signs to Bridge Two Worlds