Community Scene: Wine Women & Shoes

Wine Women Shoes-Floral Arrangement

Guests from Hinsdale

In early March, Wine Women & Shoes took place at the Oak Brook Hills Resort. Hundreds attended to sip, savor and shop for a cause. The high-energy event featured fun and philanthropy combined with wine and bubble tasting, boutique shopping, fashion show, gourmet luncheon and chances to win vacations and experiences.

Proceeds of from the event benefit families facing homelessness served by Bridge Communities. The mission of Bridge Communities is to transition homeless families to self-sufficiency by working with partners to provide mentoring, housing, and supportive services.

Every year, over 100+ families in DuPage County are served by Bridge Communities and support from the Wine Women & Shoes event help ensure families never have to face another moment of homelessness again. ■

MC Kerry Doucet of Elmhurst

Guests from Elmhurst

Guests from Downers Grove


COVER WellnessHouseGina&Arpi2023-946

Going the Extra Mile




Bringing History to Life


Elmhurst University


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In full BLOOM

Canopy Priority 1colne

Rich Support


150th Anniversary Gift to Hinsdale

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USE Eileen (back left) and Coleen (back right) Mulhern with their winning group at 2022 North America Finals.

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