Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot

Dan Gibbons with Jim Cornelison before singing the National Anthem
Dan Gibbons with Jim Cornelison before singing the National Anthem

Thousands joined the 40th annual Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning bringing the community together on a day for giving thanks.

To date, The Dan Gibbons Foundation has donated approximately $4 million dollars to local charity organizations within the County of DuPage.

Funds raised will go to eradicating hunger and to promote long-term sustainability in the county. Congratulations to all the participants. ■

”Turkey” Trotters

Lima Lima Flight Team

Runners going underpass

Honorary Starter, Randy Bronge of ICI with his wife, Jeanne, and their granddaughters.

Post-race beverages in commemorative cups. Cups and hospitality tent courtesy of sponsor, Kelly Stetler-Compass.

Start of race at Cottage Hill & Park Avenue



Snapshot: Vasili’s


Snapshot: Vasili’s

Natalie Ryan (Event Co-Chair), Lauran Petty (NBC Anchor & Event MC), Beth Lyons (Event Co-Chair)

Community Scene: Off to the Races

One of the top fundraising teams, The Crown Royals

The Wellness House Walk for Wellness

Neat Kitchen Photo

Neat Kitchen and Bar


Neat Kitchen and Bar


Neat Kitchen and Bar

Davidson has been the Superintendent of Timothy Christian Schools since 2010.

Timothy Christian Schools

Benefit Chairs: Nadia Shamsi, Alyssa Doorhy, Amanda Mancini, Ashley Keeley, Chelsea Urban, Molly Sikora, Jennie Patricoski

Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club 2023 Benefit Wonderland

Mark Olley, Tracey DiBuono, Greg Hyder, Debi Catenacci

The Service Club of Chicago Spring Hat Luncheon

Beloved children’s author Joan Walsh Anglund with her great granddaughters. —Photo by Tim Horowitz

Joan Walsh Anglund


Joan Walsh Anglund