DuPage Foundation Annual Benefit

Sarah Charles, DuPage Foundation Board Member, Patricia Atuesta, and Gustavo Aguirre, all of Hinsdale
Sarah Charles, DuPage Foundation Board Member, Patricia Atuesta, and Gustavo Aguirre, all of Hinsdale

Photos courtesy of DuPage Foundation

DuPage Foundation hosted its 2023 Annual Benefit: Under the Sea in November at The Westin Chicago Lombard. With generous sponsorships and contributions, the evening was a night to remember, grossing more than $565,000 for DuPage Foundation operations and programs aimed at raising the quality of life throughout DuPage County.

The evening featured a cocktail hour followed by a gourmet dinner and dueling piano music by Felix & Fingers. Attendees bid on curated items and experiences in the silent auction, participated in games, and took part in a program and paddle raise presented by the evening’s hostess, Elmhurst resident Kerry Sayers Doucet.

DuPage Foundation, a 501(c)(3) community foundation, is the philanthropic leader in DuPage County, Illinois, and has awarded more than $80 million in grants since its founding in 1986. Individuals and organizations seeking to provide impactful support to address critical issues in DuPage County can learn more at dupagefoundation.org.

DuPage Foundation presented Under the Sea on November 4, 2023.

Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos at DuPage Foundation’s Annual Benefit

DuPage Foundation Board President, Nathan Wasson, with his family, Grace, James, and Sandra, of Hinsdale



Snapshot: Vasili’s


Snapshot: Vasili’s

Natalie Ryan (Event Co-Chair), Lauran Petty (NBC Anchor & Event MC), Beth Lyons (Event Co-Chair)

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Neat Kitchen and Bar

Davidson has been the Superintendent of Timothy Christian Schools since 2010.

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Benefit Chairs: Nadia Shamsi, Alyssa Doorhy, Amanda Mancini, Ashley Keeley, Chelsea Urban, Molly Sikora, Jennie Patricoski

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Joan Walsh Anglund


Joan Walsh Anglund