Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce & Industry


In August, Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce and Industry members and guests shopped for goodies at the Elmhurst Farmers Market as part of a Membership Breakfast hosted by the York & Vallette Business Association.

The Chamber serves the needs of 600 member businesses, not-for-profits and individuals. Programs, products, services and events provide opportunities for networking and business referral, promotion, education, governmental affairs and leadership building.

Visit elmhurstchamber.org for more information.



Back row: Annmarie Mendez,  Wellness coach Karen Donovan, Reiki Master Janie Crick, Massage Therapist  Gina Neill, Functional Nutritionist  Front row: Aimee Ottosen,  Yoga Therapist Julie Rutkowski, Therapist and Founder Megan Daniels, Acupuncturist

Snapshot: Center for Healing & Integration

Elm School Fundraiser-01

Community Scene: Elm School Spring Fundraiser

Photo by Jessica Remus Photography

Snapshot: Dr. Michael Halkias, O.D.

Wine Women Shoes-Floral Arrangement

Community Scene: Wine Women & Shoes

Hinsdale Kitchen Walk Luncheon.14

Community Scene: Hinsdale Kitchen Walk Luncheon

Jo Marie Ferro

Community Scene: Heart of Gold Benefit

Central Scene Winter Band Concert band 4

Central Scene: Winter Band Concert



Adam Maycock, President & CEO, University of Chicago Medicine Advent Hinsdale and La Grange Hospitals


The Benet Red Wings vs Team USA

Checking into the Hall of Fame

Mary Doten

Mary Doten National APTA Champion Retires

Silhouette of Happy Mother Playing Outside with Baby

Mom: World’s Greatest Coach