Foundation 205


Photos by Laura Meyer

Showcase 2024, Imagine and Inspire, took place in early February at Medinah Country Club. The fundraising gala supports Foundation 205’s mission to ensure all Elmhurst Public School students have access to innovation and opportunities for educational excellence.

This year, Deirdre Churchill was the recipient of the Friend of the Foundation Award for her seven-year tenure on the Board of Directors and her lasting legacy and impact on the organization.

Michael Haarlow and Melissa Ptasienski

Athena Arvanitis, Mark Anglewicz, Rosie Anglewicz


Executive Director Kate Knicker, Jill Martin, Associate Director Lauren Johnson, Angie Martino, Michael Haarlow, Megan Farley, Emcee Kerry Sayers, Kelly Stetler, Board Chair Heather Stotts, and Melissa Ptsasiensk

Friend of the Foundation Award Winner Dierdre Churchill

Jeff Bryk, Kate Knicker and Lyle Weseloh



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