Garden Party at Historic Estate

Maureen Kunitz, Julie Akers, Courtney Casey, Margherita Lutz, Andrea Burridge, Bari Kesner, Stephanie Brzozowski,  and Megan Brotschul
Maureen Kunitz, Julie Akers, Courtney Casey, Margherita Lutz, Andrea Burridge, Bari Kesner, Stephanie Brzozowski, and Megan Brotschul

Photos by Kai Reinhard

Friends of 505 S. County Line Road, a group of philanthropic local women, hosted an exclusive garden party in June to support renovations of the historic and iconic estate which dates back to the early 1900s.

The home was selected by House Beautiful magazine as its “Whole Home Project” for an upcoming feature in the publication.■

Stacy Loren, Clarice Loren, Libba Bajadek

Kate Marnell, Disa Magee, Andrea Persico

Kirsten Douglass and Sandra Wasson

Sarah Barclay, Maria Shepherd, Megan Pack, Kristin Burton




Snapshot: Vasili’s


Snapshot: Vasili’s

Natalie Ryan (Event Co-Chair), Lauran Petty (NBC Anchor & Event MC), Beth Lyons (Event Co-Chair)

Community Scene: Off to the Races

One of the top fundraising teams, The Crown Royals

The Wellness House Walk for Wellness

Neat Kitchen Photo

Neat Kitchen and Bar


Neat Kitchen and Bar


Neat Kitchen and Bar

Davidson has been the Superintendent of Timothy Christian Schools since 2010.

Timothy Christian Schools

Benefit Chairs: Nadia Shamsi, Alyssa Doorhy, Amanda Mancini, Ashley Keeley, Chelsea Urban, Molly Sikora, Jennie Patricoski

Hinsdale Junior Woman’s Club 2023 Benefit Wonderland

Mark Olley, Tracey DiBuono, Greg Hyder, Debi Catenacci

The Service Club of Chicago Spring Hat Luncheon

Beloved children’s author Joan Walsh Anglund with her great granddaughters. —Photo by Tim Horowitz

Joan Walsh Anglund


Joan Walsh Anglund