Groundbreaking: Protecting Oak Brook’s Borders


For a century, multiple radio transmitter towers have stood on 19 acres of unincorporated DuPage County land near the Saddle Brook subdivision. Many longtime residents fondly recall school trips to the site where light bulbs lit themselves. When plans began to emerge to decommission the towers permanently, the Village of Oak Brook Village Board swiftly took action to secure a role in shaping the land’s future.
Initially, the Village sought to purchase the property using its strong fund balance. However, the seller ultimately opted to sell to a national home developer.

With ownership settled, the Board focused on influencing the develop-ment process. Trustee A. Suresh Reddy emphasized, “Given Oak Brook’s history and commitment to green space, the Board prioritized preserving open areas while ensuring housing density aligned with our residential zoning standards. Equally important was minimizing the impact on Village services.”

Although the site will be annexed into Downers Grove, the Board negotiated a groundbreaking agreement with the developer. Oak Brook agreed not to intervene—provided the developer adhered to specific conditions set by the village.

The approved development plan allows for up to 35 single-family homes, each with a minimum size of 3,000 square feet. A maximum of seven homes will border Oak Brook, and only in the rear yard. To maintain privacy and aesthetics, adjacent lots must include a 20-foot landscaped buffer with evergreen trees. Building coverage is limited to 32% per lot, and at least 30% of the total site will remain preserved as permanent open space. Only uniform, open ornamental fencing under four feet will be permitted, and outbuildings such as sheds, chicken coops, and above-ground pools are prohibited.

These homes are expected to sell for over $1.5 million. Because the development falls within Downers Grove, Oak Brook will avoid the costs of maintaining streets and infra-structure. Trustee James Nagle noted, “By being proactive, we’ve ensured a development that aligns with our community’s character. The families who purchase these homes will shop and dine in Oak Brook, benefiting our local economy while we maintain our high standards for residential growth.”

The removal of the radio transmitter towers will lead to residential development.



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