HCS Family Services / Charitable Giving


By HM staff

For the past 84 years, HCS Family Services has worked to impact our community by providing groceries to our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. During the pandemic, services shifted from in-person shopping to curbside distribution at both our Hinsdale pantry and our pantry at Anne M. Jeans Elementary School in Willowbrook.

There are three significant ways you can help HCS Family Services help those in need.

First, you can donate—every $1 donation buys $8 of groceries. Second, you can host a food drive. Third, you can volunteer—we rely on 100 volunteers per week to distribute groceries to our hungry neighbors. We rely on donations all year long to provide healthy food to those in need. Monthly donations allow you to provide reliable, financial support with minimum administrative work. To donate, please visit our website at hcsfamilyservice.org, click the donate now icon, and choose your amount and payment method. A food drive is a labor of love. We always have a list of our most needed items so please call us at 630-323-2500 to learn how your food drive can have the most impact. Currently, our most needed items are diapers—adult and baby, brown grocery bags, pasta and sauce, and peanut butter. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. We are looking for volunteers to help us pick up food from our retail partners on weekday mornings, but we have many volunteer opportunities to choose from on our website. To be a volunteer, please visit our website at www.hcsfamilyservices.org
This year, we are serving an average of 240 families per week.

*Photo provided by HCS Family Services



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