Heartfest 2023


The Mend a Heart Foundation celebrates its Sweet 16

By HM Staff

The Mend a Heart Foundation held its 16th annual Heartfest fundraiser on the first weekend of February at The Hyatt Lodge in Oak Brook. More than 280 guests attended including cardiologists, surgeons, pediatric nurses, heart families, and long-time family and friends. The event raised more than $180,000 to support congenital heart defect research, local area high school cardiac screenings, and Camp Odayin, a medically-supervised camp for heart kids. The Mend a Heart Junior Board, comprised of 40+ high school students from six different high schools, managed event check-in and check-out, raffle ticket sales, a wine pull game and more. The Mend a Heart Foundation’s mission is to extend and enrich the lives of children born with congenital heart disease. The organization has raised more than $1.5 million to date and is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.

Learn more at mendaheart.org

Liz Henning, Lois Henning, Caitlin Wizniewski, Mia Burk, Jon Burk, Veronica Burk, Cillian Henning, Madisyn Burk and Dylan Jones

*Photos provided by Mend-A-Heart organization


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