High School Sports


More challenging that usual this season

By Larry Atseff

Practice and contests against other teams are challenging and fun for student athletes, trainers and coaches. According to Dan Jones, Athletic Director for Hinsdale Central High School, this winter and
spring offers more of a challenge than usual. And that is an understatement. First of all, like schools all over the state, District 86 has started Basketball, Football, Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball later than normal. They started this spring on top of all the traditional spring sports and they will finish later this spring.

Secondly, everything possible is being done to make sure practices and games are as safe as possible. Covid-19 protocols for testing and tracing, mask wearing and social distancing for each practice and
contest are being followed. Thirdly, compress the seasons for as many as 25 sports teams to include 7 practices before teams can play other teams in shortened seasons. This year teams compete only with others in the same conference because the health protocols are the same. Also, this year, state level competition will occur for traditional spring sports only. Fourth, practices are limited to one hour and a half, starting at 3 pm, once classes are completed. On top of all that, the only spectators for indoor events will be other teams waiting to play.

But, with all the changes, everyone feels is still worth it. When asked why, Jones said, “Sports are a great outlet. And the number of students that have come out this spring is about the same as previous springs. My greatest hope is that everyone who competes stays safe.” To get schedules for practices and games and opposing teams for all the sports this spring, go to


*Photos by Corey Huth



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