Hinsdale Cooks! Kitchen Walk Luncheon


Hinsdale Historical Society Women’s Board

By Mike Ellis

Dozens of ladies from Hinsdale and surrounding communities participated in the Hinsdale Cooks! Kitchen Walk luncheon on May 7. Ladies volunteered their homes as ambassador hostesses for the luncheon, which was spread across numerous households in response to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions. Homeowners that hosted up to ten guests in their homes received additional perquisites. Presented by the Hinsdale Historical Society (HHS) Women’s Board, the event commenced with a blitz of social media content in the month leading up to the luncheon promoting the work of prominent interior designers in the Chicago metropolitan area. The women’s board partnered with Hinsdale-based Vistro Prime to supply prepared meals for the luncheon. In addition to private homes, Immanuel Hall in Hinsdale, home to the historical society’s archives, also served as an event site. Proceeds from the luncheon were directed towards the historical society, which is currently in the process of renovating the R. Harold Zook Home & Studio at Katherine Legge Memorial Park in Hinsdale. For more information about the Hinsdale Historical Society, visit www.hinsdalehistory.org.

*Photo by Marcello Rodarte



Snapshot: Vasili’s


Snapshot: Vasili’s

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