Hinsdale Historical Society Kitchen Walk 2022


By HM Staff

Rain didn’t stop attendees from coming to the 17th Annual Hinsdale Kitchen Walk! With over 1400 guests, the 2022 Kitchen Walk was a success! This year, co-chairs Diana Wagenbach, Lauren Kavanaugh and Jamie Quinn took the walk in a different direction by introducing the theme, Design Matters. Guests had the opportunity to tour the first floors of five esteemed Hinsdale homes that showcased the beautiful work of several local interior designers. The designers featured were Julie Laux with J. Jordan Homes, Sarah Vaile with Sarah Vaile Design, Brynn Olson with Brynn Olson Design Group, Christina Samatas and Renee DiSanto with Park & Oak Interior Design, and Diana Wagenbach with Studio W Interiors.

Mercedes Patterson, Juhl Patterson, Lauren Kavanaugh, Sylvia Kos

In addition to the five homes, attendees were able to stop at Immanuel Hall, one of the three properties being maintained and preserved by the Hinsdale Historical Society. Immanuel Hall was reimagined as the Kitchen Walk Pop-Up Shop which was an interactive shopping experience that featured local retail vendors, food, music, and more. The Hinsdale Historical Society and its co-chairs want to thank everyone who came out and they especially want to thank all of the amazing sponsors, vendors and donors who helped make this year’s Walk a true success! The Kitchen Walk Design Matters raised a record-breaking $150,000 for Hinsdale Historical Society.

*Photos by Marcello Rodarte


Back row: Annmarie Mendez,  Wellness coach Karen Donovan, Reiki Master Janie Crick, Massage Therapist  Gina Neill, Functional Nutritionist  Front row: Aimee Ottosen,  Yoga Therapist Julie Rutkowski, Therapist and Founder Megan Daniels, Acupuncturist

Snapshot: Center for Healing & Integration

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Photo by Jessica Remus Photography

Snapshot: Dr. Michael Halkias, O.D.

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Hinsdale Kitchen Walk Luncheon.14

Community Scene: Hinsdale Kitchen Walk Luncheon

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Adam Maycock, President & CEO, University of Chicago Medicine Advent Hinsdale and La Grange Hospitals


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