Loaves and Fishes Night to End Hunger Gala

Readerlink Presenting Sponsor Table including Kristen & Jon Anderson, Mike & Tanya Nolan (front row), Dr. Allen & Christine Bloom, Toni & Mike Havala, Dionne Miller, Kathy & Dennis Abboud (back row)

By Anna Hughes | Photos by Time Stops Photography

Loaves & Fishes Community Services held their annual gala to raise awareness around food insecurity in the Chicagoland area. ABC7’s Dionne Miller emceed the event at Butterfield Country Club in Oak Brook, surrounded by community members supporting one of the largest food pantries in Illinois.

The nonprofit serves more than 8,000 people each week, supplying them with fruits, vegetables, and more. Through these meals and their CARES program, they fulfill their mission of providing healthy food and impactful programs to promote self-sufficiency.

Their goal, made possible by fundraising events like these, is to end hunger and transform lives.

Yevette Saba, President Edward Hospital, Gina Sharp, President/CEO Linden Oaks, and Dr. Kimberly Darey, President of Elmhurst Hospital

Mike Havala, CEO Loaves & Fishes Community Services, Dionne Miller ABC7 News, Nancy Wiersum, VP Advancement Loaves & Fishes Community Services

L-R Maria McTarnaghan, Toni Havala, Natasha Marriner, Heather Chura, and Julie Lakner

Jacque & Doug Clermont

Benny & Kim White and Heather and Joe Chura

Matthew & Jess McHugh, Gail Niermeyer, Mary Ann & Brand Bobosky

Yevette Saba, President Edward Hospital, Gina Sharp, President/CEO Linden Oaks, and Dr. Kimberly Darey, President of Elmhurst Hospital


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