Loaves & Fishes / Charitable Giving

Loaves & Fishes image

By HM staff

Loaves & Fishes celebrated the grand opening of its new food distribution hub in Aurora that will serve a substantial amount of unmet need in our community. This additional location will allow them to serve three times the amount of people by expanding its geographic service area to Kane and Kendall counties in addition to DuPage and Will. The hub will act as a distribution, storage, processing, and fulfillment center providing food to its spokes such as the Loaves & Fishes shopping market at 1871 High Grove Lane, its satellite
location in Bolingbrook, as well as its home delivery program to home bound seniors. The new hub and spoke model will provide more options for clients to receive food. Families will be able to get the food they need by shopping in the market, picking up food in curbside service format, and through the soon to come online ordering system. “This opening of our new facility and evolution to a hub and spoke model are game changers for Loaves & Fishes and our community,” says Mike Havala, President and CEO of Loaves & Fishes. “Together, we are truly making a lasting impact for years to come.”

The Loaves & Fishes CARES Programs provide additional resources to help struggling families with essential needs such as rent or utility payment assistance. As a result of the pandemic, emergency assistance has nearly doubled in the last year. “We are so very grateful and feel so humbled and blessed to have received this gift of assistance for our family! Thank you for looking out and caring so much for our family and our community! – L&F Client Giving Opportunities Food Distribution & Cares Program Support: Financial gifts of any size are deeply appreciated and will help the hundreds of families that come each week for grocery assistance and CARES programs. With Loaves & Fishes’ cooperative buying power, $1 can purchase $8 worth of food. Virtual Food Drive: Visit our website to purchase healthy food products at discounted prices that are most needed by clients. Car Donations: Loaves & Fishes is always in need of donated cars. Lack of reliable transportation is a barrier to employment or childcare. Volunteer Opportunities: Join the Loaves & Fishes family as a volunteer. Your time is very valuable in the fight to end hunger. Sorting food, distributing food, and connecting clients to available resources can be very beneficial and rewarding. Corporate Work Groups: Loaves & Fishes is a great place to bring employees for a group service opportunity. Corporate work groups assist at our new hub preparing food for distribution. For all giving opportunities, visit www.loavesfishes.org

*Photo provided by Loaves & Fishes


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