Mistletoe Medley 2021 Raises $200.000+


By Larry Atseff

On November 30, 2021, the Oak Brook Chapter of the Auxiliary of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago welcomed everyone once again, in person, to Mistletoe Medley, at Drury Lane. In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, the event had to be remote, but fundraising efforts met the challenge through a combination of a direct mail solicitation, and a video of the fashion show, both of which were well received. This year, under the theme, “Our Kind Of Town”, everything and everyone came back live, including Allison Rosati, who has hosted the event for more than a decade. Attendees said the luncheon seemed to taste better than ever, the shopping and raffles seemed a little more brisk, and the fashion show seemed just a little more fabulous. Nearly 500 members, guests and shoppers turned out. According to Liz Berglund, Treasurer Advisor, and Board Advisor, a record amount of over $200,000 was raised, the most in the past decade. As a result of efforts like Mistletoe Medley, Infant Welfare of Chicago provides quality, community-based healthcare to children and families in the Greater Chicago area who would otherwise lack access to basic medical services.

*Photos by Marcello Rodarte



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