Rotary Run Charity Classic


Hinsdale’s Family Race Healthier and Stronger than Ever!

By Hinsdale Magazine

On Sunday, October 3rd, people from all over suburban Chicago will show their support for their communities and local charities by participating in the 27th Annual Rotary Run Charity Classic. This CARA certified annual event will bring many participants and spectators who will step out for children and families. “This is the 27th anniversary of the annual Rotary Run Charity Classic and we’re looking forward to another successful family fun community event” said Tom Cunningham who is co-chairman of the race committee along with co-chairman Thomas Norton. “The 2021 event builds upon the 60 years of service and over two million dollars of support Hinsdale Rotary and its charities have provided locally, to the surrounding communities and around the world. Our goal this year, as always, is to positively impact the lives of many area residents.” said Ingrid Raiser President of the Hinsdale Rotary Club. All events begin at 8:30 am at The Community House, Eighth and Madison Streets, and wind through the historic streets of Hinsdale and end at The Community House where A variety of family activities will be featured, including: vendor/sponsor booths and refreshments, music and more. Proceeds will benefit leading community charities which include: The Community House, District 181 Foundation, Hinsdale Hospital Foundation, Rotary Club of Hinsdale Foundation and Ray Graham Association-Hanson Center.

Interested runners or walkers and for more information visit the Rotary Run Charity Classic website:
Rotary Run Charity Classic PR/Marketing / Thomas Carter Norton

The Rotary Club of Hinsdale was established in 1959. We are a community organization of men and women of diversified backgrounds with a personal commitment to service. We meet every Friday at 12:15 at The Community House, located at 415 W. Eighth Street, Hinsdale.

For more information or to visit our club, email us at [email protected]


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