The Wellness House Walk for Wellness

One of the top fundraising teams, The Crown Royals
One of the top fundraising teams, The Crown Royals

Lisa Kolavennu, CEO, Wellness House

The annual 3K walk/5K run for the Wellness House took place in May bringing together cancer survivors, families, friends, and volunteers at the organization’s main location in Hinsdale.

Over 3,000 people attended wearing purple even t-shirts creating a heartwarming sea of color. Gina Pongetti Angeletti and Dr. Arpi Thukral led the way as Walk co-chairs and Wellness House board members.

Lauren Petty, Health Reporter with NBC5 Chicago served as this year’s guest announcer. Presenting Sponsor, The Inland Real Estate Group of Companies, Inc. played an integral part in the success of this year’s Walk for Wellness House.

The Walk for Wellness House supports over 500 in-person and online cancer wellness programs in nutrition, exercise and stress management, information and education, child and family programs and support groups and counseling. ■

Check Presentation: Dr. Arpi Thukral (Walk Chair), Lisa Kolavennu (CEO, Wellness House), Gina Pongetti Angeletti (Walk Chair)

Walk Chairs: Gina Pongetti Angeletti and Dr. Arpi Thurkral

Presenting Sponsor, The Inland Real Estate Group played an integral role in the successful event. Monte Henige (Board Chair), Lisa Kolavennu (CEO, Wellness House), Dr Arpi Thukral (Walk Chair), Lauren Petty (NBC5), Bob Baum (Co-Founder – Inland), Dan Wagner (Senior Vice President, Government Relations – Inland)

Starting line



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