Wellness House


Over 3,000 people came together at the annual Walk for Wellness House held on May 5 to help support cancer survivors, families, and friends.

The day was filled with encouragement, hope and community as runners and walkers took to the pavement in the streets surrounding Wellness House’s main location in Hinsdale, raising over $750,000.

Funds raised will help support free programs where individuals and family members can choose from over 500 programs a month in areas such as nutrition, exercise, support and counseling, child and family support. Donations are still being accepted at wellnesshouse.org/walk.



The Frederick Bagley House


Brookfield Zoo Holiday Magic

The adult and the child holding red heart.

A Legacy of Giving Back / Charitable Giving

Clarendon Hills Infant Welfare

Clarendon Hills Infant Welfare Society / Charitable Giving


The Giving Season / Charitable Giving


Assistance League / Charitable Giving

Bridge Communities image

Bridge Communities / Charitable Giving

Candor Health image

Candor Health Education / Charitable Giving

District 181 Foundation image

District 181 / Charitable Giving

Hinsdale Humane Society image

Hinsdale Humane Society / Charitable Giving

Loaves & Fishes image

Loaves & Fishes / Charitable Giving


HCS Family Services / Charitable Giving