Breaking the Ice: Hinsdale volunteer snow shoveling helps residents


By Maureen Callahan

Heavy snowstorms have been dubbed “widow-makers” by the medical community for good reason. The first snow of the year, with its high moisture content, makes snow removal very dangerous for those who are deconditioned to physical exercise or in questionable heart health.

Has snow shoveling become a hassle or impossibility? Are you looking for help with snow removal this winter season? If you are over the age of 60 or have a disability, you are eligible for assistance through the Village of Hinsdale Parks & Recreation Snow Shoveling Program. Each year, the village maintains an updated list of volunteers who are interested in assisting others with snow removal in the community free of charge.

Residents interested in snow removal assistance need only fill out a request form to find a referral. Contact information for participating volunteers is then shared with those looking for assistance. A spreadsheet of volunteers is published, whom homeowners may contact directly to arrange a time for snow removal. The actual schedule of snow removal is set between the individual volunteer and the homeowner.

Volunteers typically have their own snow shovels, but the village does have some to lend out if needed.

“While volunteers of any age are welcome, most tend to be high school students looking for volunteer hours,” said Mike Hayes, Hinsdale Superintendent of Parks & Recreation, who helps to coordinate the program. “The program serves as a platform to connect people. Residents who are unable to take care of this themselves are so grateful. It’s been working out very well.”

One such Hinsdale resident, 85-year-old Ed Weingartner, has received help from this program since it started. “They call the big snowstorms ‘widowmakers’ for a reason,” Weingartner remarked, as he laughed, “so I am so grateful for the help. At this point in life, it’s tough for me to shovel or push around a snowblower.”

While his driveway, walkway, and steps typically take less than a half hour to shovel, he would not be able to do it himself. “Whenever my volunteers can help, I appreciate it,” Weingartner remarked. “I realize most of these kids are in high school and have busy schedules, so sometimes they can’t come until evening. I’m just grateful to know that eventually, my snow will be shoveled.”

And while it’s entirely voluntary, Weingartner has tried to tip volunteers in the past. “Any volunteers I have ever had won’t take any money,” he said. “They will, however, often accept a cup of hot cocoa.”

Residents are reminded that while the program is initiated by the Village of Hinsdale, no background checks of volunteers – or the residents seeking assistance – are conducted. Parties are welcome to screen each other as desired before entering into a working arrangement with a specific volunteer or resident. “I’ve found the volunteers in this program to be absolutely reliable,” said Weingartner. “Several times last year, they called me after it snowed to say they would be by to help before I even had a chance to call them,” Weingartner remembered.

“I’m so happy they have this program,” said Weingartner. “I remember looking for ways to help out as a boy scout myself when I was younger. It makes you feel good to help others.”

For more information on how to apply for snow shoveling assistance or to volunteer for the program, please visit



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