Going Gold

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Local organization hosts 50th Anniversay Celebration

By Larry Atseff

The Oak Brook Chapter, Infant Welfare Society (IWS) Auxiliary, hosted over 500 guests for its Mistletoe Medley 50th Anniversary Celebration, “Hearts of Gold,” on November 29th at the Drury Lane Theatre. It was a wonderful occasion and a perfect opportunity to celebrate a remarkable milestone. The festive event included a holiday gift boutique featuring distinctive merchandise, raffles, and a fashion show by Zzazz Productions. A welcome and familiar presence at the event, Allison Rosati served as Master of Ceremonies. During her comments at the podium, Allison announced an exciting fundraising initiative in conjunction with the “Hearts of Gold” fundraiser. Oakbrook Center, which is marking its 60th anniversary, is sponsoring a “Giving Week” from December 10-17, during which participating retailers will donate a percentage of their sales to the Chapter’s fundraiser.

Fashion Show at the Mistletoe Medley 2021

The locations include:

• C. D. Peacock (172 Oakbrook Center) will donate 10% of sales on Saturday, December 17.
• Antico Posto (118 Oakbrook Center) will donate $1.00 for every Gnocchi Delicati served from December 10 – 17.
• Jeni’s Ice Cream (521 Oakbrook Center) will donate 25% of sales on Tuesday, December 13.
• Kendra Scott (167 Oakbrook Center) will donate 20% of in-store and online purchases on Saturday, December 10.
• Lilly Pulitzer (421 Oakbrook Center) will donate 10% of sales on Friday, December 16. Shoppers are asked to mention the Oak Brook Infant Welfare fundraiser when making purchases with these “Giving Week” retailers so that requests are recorded. The Oak Brook Chapter appreciates your support.

*Photos by Marcello Rodarte



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